What about ducks? A mixed flock.

Ok, so we've talked about chickens for a bit, but what about some of the other options you have for backyard flock? After we moved to this property, we decided to add a few ducks to our flock (and also ended up with a few turkeys…on accident but that's a story for another time.)


So, lets talk about ducks. The first time we got ducks, (yes, we got more and then some more and then…some hatched thanks to a very persistent mama duck) we picked up 6 mixed ducks, all straight run from our local Tractor Supply. Oh boy, we fell in love immediately! If there is anything on this earth cuter than baby chicks, it's baby ducklings! They do all the same things that adult ducks do, swimming, diving under the water, shaking their little tail feathers but in a miniature version. It's ADORABLE! But, let's move beyond the cuteness and talk practicality.

To start, ducks tend to be much more hearty than chickens. Of all the ducks we have raised, we have been able to raise them without incident. They also grow rapidly, much faster than chickens do, which means you can have them out of their brooder and into their designated area much sooner. They also can be great layers! Our ducks lay huge eggs, bigger than a jumbo chicken egg. Duck eggs are also excellent for baking and have a richer flavor than chicken eggs when cooked. This may freak a few of you out, but they can easily be mixed with chicken eggs until you get over it, ha! That's what we did and now my husband, daughter and dad prefer them over chicken eggs. Who knew?


Ducks are also fun! They can be trained from the start to follow you around. My girls loved having a trail of ducklings running after them around the property. They also are quite talkative. When it's feeding time, our ducks are happy to announce their pleasure over it to anyone within ear shot. Our rear neighbors have a running joke that their kids know it's ok to come play on the weekend once they hear the ducks in the morning!

Lastly, ducks can be raised right alongside your chickens. They don’t have any special requirements, such as a pond etc. only access to enough water to dip their heads under so water can roll down their back. They can even share the same feed with your chickens (just buy a mixed flock feed) and can also be shut up in the coop with your chickens at night.

There are many more reasons to consider adding ducks to your flock, but I think now you at least have some food for thought.



What to feed your chickens


Kombucha like crazy…