Dovecote Family Farmstead

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So, we got an Airstream.

So we got an Airstream. We were given one actually. Yes, you read that right…given one. I know, it blows my mind too. I mean, who just GIVES someone an airstream trailer? Someone amazing, that's who. And we turned out to be the grateful recipients of it. If your curious of how things went down, I'll share a few details.

On Mother's Day of this year, my husband, parents and I were all sitting outside chatting. We were talking about how incredible it would be to have a trailer on our property that we could convert in to a guest house. We were thinking a retro style trailer that we could buy cheap and fix up to our liking. We talked about what we would do with it, where we would put it, design ideas etc. Then my husband says something along the lines of how cool it would be to get an Airstream trailer. A vintage/retro Airstream trailer that we could completely renovate. We left the conversation full of dreams and ideas, but were content to leave it there.

About 2 weeks later, my husband calls me and says one of the contractors he works with had an Airstream trailer that he needed to get rid of. They had planned to make a mobile brewery out of it, but after the whole Covid-19 shutdown, decided not to. He said it could be in rough condition and had been completely gutted, but may end up being the blank canvas we wanted to create our own vision. We agreed he would check it out and then decide.

Here is the interior-a blank canvas!

Long story short, a few weeks later my husband had checked it out, decided it was a go and got it ready so we could tow it home. The owners said they may need my husband's help with some electrical work in the future, but other than paying to transfer registration, it cost us nothing.

Now, I'm not naïve enough to think it's not going to cost money to fix it up and make it a useable, enjoyable space, but I can't help but marvel at how this whole thing came about. One major takeaway for me is the realization of how important it is to dream together and put words to those dreams. How real the power of our words are in making stuff manifest in our lives, or become our reality. At the very least, this happening for us made me pause and reflect on what other dreams I have had tucked away or dismissed as some fleeting thought. What if those dreams are supposed to become our reality as well? I have to admit, it's got me excited to find out. Maybe it’s time to take some lids off of boxes that I’ve stored in my heart.

How about you? What dreams have you tucked away, dismissed or neglected to put words on? Maybe it's time to start talking them into reality. I encourage you to find out.

Adventuring together,
